Claremont Imaging Associates Pomona, Ca.
Claremont Imaging Associates radiologist, radiology, medical imagins,
pomona, ca
The Imaging Center is conveniently located on the beautiful Casa Colina
Campus in Pomona Cal.
The center offers convenient access to a broad scope of innovative
procedures and equipment in an inviting setting designed to put patients at
Claremont Imaging Associates
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an Exam
Insurance Plans & Prices
President's Message
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Physician Resources
Our dedicated staff is comprised of highly skilled clinical and professional
administrative personnel. We are committed to providing you with the
highest-quality of service.
Our President is a highly trained and credentialed board certified
radiologist. We have state-of-the-art equipment along with same-day,
next-day appointments. We pride ourselves in the ability to provide timely
and beneficial results to referring physicians in the community. Please
contact us at the contact page for any questions or concerns you may have.
On behalf of the Claremont Imaging team, we thank you for choosing our